How do YOU get up from the floor?

Started by a report by NBC in 2012 that brought a Brazilian study to light, we now know a person's ability or inability to move may predict their risk of death and is most certainly connected to your ability to get on to and off of the floor.(1)

We know that our ability to move plays an important role in our lives. It allows us visit family and friends, accomplish household tasks, and contribute to our communities. Therefore, when our mobility is compromised our quality (and quantity) of life is stunted.

"Why the Floor is your Friend"

In a recent article by the Huffington Post, “Why the Floor is your Friend”, author Stacy Barrows discusses the benefits of exercising on and being comfortable with getting on and off the floor.(2)  She touches on the importance of good alignment while exercising, but also how our ability to get up off the ground declines as we age. This is further compounded by research that indicates our risk of injurious falls increase as our mobility decreases.

Leaving us the dilemma of having an increased probability of ending up on the floor and no idea how to get up from the ground.(3)

Societal requirements of the aging population have evolved to promote less activity and significantly more mobility modification devices, leaving us with an elderly population that is weaker and reliant on mobility assistance for locomotion, stairs and even basic sit to stand transfers.

Studies have indicated that the ability to get up from the floor is a significant predictor of fall risk.

Nearly 1:3 elderly women, who have difficulty getting up off the ground, will experience serious fall injuries within a year. (4)

In light of this, it’s no wonder we are finding a correlation between difficulty rising from the floor and mortality.

How can we help?

We set the stage for you to Succeed!

Physical therapists are uniquely aligned to address these mobility issues and can help play a vital role in significantly decreasing risk factors for falling.(5) By minimizing painful positions and maximizing your strengths, we increase your confidence and independence. 

We set the stage for you to succeed by evaluating what mobility or motor planning factors are limiting you, providing you with the perfect tools and solutions for you!  

Let's try it!

I have received a ton of feedback from patients in the clinic who felt empowered after we taught them how to get up off of the floor. They state they felt safe and secure as they were getting on and off the floor, making them more confident trying a task they were otherwise fearful of.

I've found it only takes a handful of visits for my patients to be truly comfortable performing a floor transfer independently and the reward is immense.

They experience increased confidence and go on to perform additional transfer activities and tasks with increased ease! So let's try it!




2., Author: Stacy Barrows

3. Davis, J., Bryan, S., Best, J., et al.Mobility predicts change in older adults’ health-related quality of life: evidence from a Vancouver falls prevention prospective cohort study.Health Qual Life Outcomes.2015 Jul 15;13(1):101.

4. Bergland, A., Laake, K.  Concurrent and predictive validity of “getting up from lying on the floor”. Aging Clin Exp Res.2005 Jun;17(3):181-5.

5.  Fleming, J., Brayne, C. Inability to get up after falling, subsequent time on floor and summoning help: prospective cohort study in people over 90. BMJ.2008;337:a2227.